In the name of Allah the most gracious and the most Merciful.
The human patient who, when afflicted with calamity, say: Allah and to Him we return to them those prayers from their Lord and mercy, and those are the rightly guided [Al-Baqarah : 155-157 ]
the scholar and excellent son Muhammad yaqoob of Ameer Mullah Mohammad Omar Mujahid and mujahid scholar and ghazi brother abdul manan , to other respectable members of their families , to all real mujahedeen and to all those people who were bereaved in this sorrow moments I want condolence rewards and patience from the court of great Allah
if we write much about the heavy personality of mullah sahib it will feel less to us we remember his humble personality or his jihad and struggle we remember his zeal and effort and his tenacity or his spit on Allah we remember his sacrifice in the way of Allah or his devotion and generosity we feel very sorrow in this big sadness movement we were thinking that we will never face a sorrow movement after martyrdom of mullah dadullah but this anaxcity mad us as sad that we forgot all the previous sorrows may Allah give much more punishment to all those people who were directly or in directly involved in the martyrdom of leader mullah sahib
Dear mujahedeen:
You will know that one link which remove our and your sincere leaders one after another from the center the killers of martyr mullah dadullah and killers of ameer ul momeneen are those who we remind them already they are limited CIA sources who kill our sincere leaders and steal them from us
Dear heroes
You people know that telling lies is the manner of seditious people Muslim does every sin but the never tell a lie and then Muja hid and lies in jihad ? Muja hid and lie? And then telling lie to own brother
Brothers in leadership of mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansoor CIA spies do not get ashamed while doing any sin , they lie any time. A few days ago Fidai Mahaz , mentioned the subject death of amer ul momenen a man named Zabihullah Mujahid ipudencely told the media that this is wrong or lie Fidayee front, in return releases statement ,that you previously conceder many subjects as lie and then after you always recognize it officially and will confirm this matter too because there is no other way and thus it happens and they confirm it officially
And now hear many questions arise
is Islam allow jihad without an ameer .
In the name of the ameer ul momenen festival of Eid and such other messages broadcast on his media, and his without the permission allows?
Are Muslim having permit to till such lies.
To mullah akhtar mansoor and his spies
After this how you will face afghan public and specially mujahedeen. after this no one will believe on your statement inshallah and this lies will be your decline inshallah and we believe that mujahedeen will never stuck in your net again because now they is aware from your real faces . we are confidence to say that the killers of our leaders martyr mullah mohamad omer and mullah dadullah are you people we have all these real avoidance about the martyrdom of mullah muhammad omer which you always try to hide from people and mujahedeen and we will soon public it to mujahedeen and pubic and inshallah you will always disgraced like this , your real faces will soon highlight to all nation and at the end again my deep sympathies to all people specially to the respectable family of ameer ul momenen may Allah give them patience and rewards , and his blessing on you .
We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return
(The massage from leader of Fidai mahaz about martyrdam of respectable AMEER UL MEMENE )
The massage from leader of Fidai mahaz about martyrdam of respectable AMEER UL MOMENEN